Monday, August 24, 2009


hello Lisa 37 bi mom

hi lisa how are ya

very well ty, you?

im good just did some work on my site and did some retouching of some of my pictures

just getting y two daughters up, 13 and 15

very nice hun im erica 46 lesbian

nice meeting Erica

same here

are you in relationship?

not at the moment hun

Im div

might as well say that Im lez

how is it with you now since the divorce

i have been free to pursue other women

that has been lovely

mmm lovely i enjoy that hun

nothing better

encouraging the girls to go sae way


my site is full of feminine beauty

where is it

how is it going with your two darlings

i want them to be able to decide for them self

but have exposed them to women

i think after they know the joys of lesbian lovemaking they will become hooked

your site is truly tasteful and so delicious

yes it is sweetheart yes it is

i work very hard ay it

at it that is

the images are unique

and quite werotic:)

like i said i travel all over the world for my ladies

image 2 and 3 are wonderful

well thank you

i like to capture the feminine essence of a womyn

do you take the images yourself?

yes am a professional and i work on computers as well i guess i am a janice of all trades


you are indeed

very nice hon

are you and your darlings close un

we are very much


yes certainly

isn't it a wonderful and beautiful thing to behold

it is better than anything i imagined it could be

mmm wonderful

there i just added you you may do so as well

smiles, ty so much

you are very welcomed hun

it pleases me to know you nd your darlings are so close

im glad you are open minded about it, some are not

im very open minded i have no taboos on that subject

we all exchange fluids

mmm lovely do they orgasm well hun

they do indeed

mmm i do too especially during my photo shoots

i can appreciate that

it must be arousing the entire time

mmm me too hun me too

i had one shoot that was so hypnotic and erotic i came ten times

OMG that must have been something special!

it was hun it was by the way i want to welcome you and your darlings to my site you may submit photos and stories and i will post them

ty so much!

will hope to be up to your standard

i built my site with that in mind

im sure it will

and invite others i want womyn of all stripes to enjoy it

i have not had chance to read the posts yet

i wrote some of them myself



sticky M key


i do enjoy breastfeeding as well

you maintain lactation

yes i do and you

i have not been

your darlings need to induce you then

steady suckling will start it up I know

mmmm they feel good there don't they

tingles right on down to clit:)

mmm so sublime and erotic hun

very much

you are delightfully erotic!

mmm love to be there and do a shoot of you and your darlings making love

would love to have that

seeing them touching you so carfully and softly would be a highlight in my life

they are very sweet with it

mmm and seeing you in a sheer open robe with them at your side suckling you and touching you is hypnotic

oooooohyes it is

and i hope we would convince you to allow us to take of your breasts

and seeing your nipples in a state of arousal is so beautiful

absolutely my darling lisa

kissing and exchanging your milk among us

mmmm yes my heart goes pitter patter at the thought

do you enjoy fluid exchange?

yes i do

love to have your darlings grind with me

your otherly laips on theirs would be sublime


mmm and so femme darling lisa

such soft bodies in motion

and a warm felling betwixt the thighs


making me moan here!

mmmm me too darling lisa you moan to your precious hearts and spirits content

we will take this journey together


my girls will be so thrilled with you

soft bodies so young so supple


and feeling their wetness and suckling their young bosoms


while i kiss and suckle you darling love

making my clit throb erica!

our four naked bodies making passionate love together as a family should

mmm yesss my clitoral region is in the throes of my passionate touches too lover

sharing as only women can

mmmm come love come to the place of out shared passionstance and breathe with me


gasping to breathe you in to me

my breath to your breath


we merge so completely

our passionstance to passionstance

it is so special and beautiful with you!!

mmmm it is with you three too darling sisterlove

you are the ost unique woman I have known

mmmm you are as well

and we will journey to the heart of our mother goddess queen Sappho

ohhyes, Sappho

she is the mother of us all


the best of all love

and all the womyn of the isle will passionstance with our beautiful family


y lips are flooded with my wetness

as we dine on the grapes of our passion and drink of the milk of our mother our spirits will sing a new song


so beautiful my Erica!

you inspire me so

sand as she feeds us our nourishment we will gain our feminine strength

and alas we shall be at peaceful rest

oohhhhhh my, that is totally inspirational

so beautiful

and with that calness, I wish to have unfettered abandonment of all restrictions

come lover come to the isle come drink of the water that flows down like the nile and let us swim in her passion

im right there on the Isle paradise with you, drifting in the reverie of total passion

mmm as the water of passion flows over us and through us we shall sing our song

rather would be shouting " Erica...OMG OMG ...YES YES

i shall swim in her waters it is better to drown in her passion than to be without her touches my darling lisa


have me so far gone

we will journey to her bosom and drink of her cream together and worship at her feet

bring her on!


Erica, have you helped moms to realize the passions they can find with their darlings?

did you and your darlings have sweet orgasms together with me

all of us did

mmm such young passion cannot be denied or unanswered for i will die without you and your darlings touch

smiles..... yesssssss, and you have all that we can give

until we have given our last best measure i will pursue you three until there is no more sun and the moon doesn't rise on my breast any longer

OMG yessss

ohh hon

you are amazing

and i have just scanned thru YOUR profile pics

suck an amazing woman!!!

if i were to put you on a pedestal so high i will learn to fly to you


and i stare transfixed at the one image you share with your lovely and so delicious sex fully opened to e!!!

mmm i will tell this unspoken tale of our passion i will shout it from the housetops and in the market square until the breath leaves my breast


and i will take you three into my bosom i will take all three of you to our paradice still

please take us all and keep us there with you

darling sister your daughters are suckling my milk

driving e wild in LUST seeing that!

mmm it is driving you around Saturn rings and the moons around Jupiter core

i feel compelled overwhelming to suck your vulva as my girls suckle

then sister dearest your passion is mine this day


shaking with anticipation

placing soft lips over your hood and pressing down

shaking mmm sister it is shaking you until you cannot stand to bear another second without our passion

hands both sides of your slit, parting labia

want to take all from you that a woman can share

mmm take it take it all

sucking lightly on your hood

pulling in my lips

mmmm yesss

tongue plays with it pressing to roof of mouth

thumb pulls upward exposing the tip of your pink pearl

mmmm i feel your lips on mine

lips graze over your sensitive head

tip of tongue figure 8's

mmm flooding your lips my sister with the essence of my bosom

then sucking harder pulls it all deeply into mouth

fully preading you open

mmm drink my milk

lips sweeping over your vulva

mmmm let me flood your mouth with my juices

my tongue, finds your urethra

mmmm and i find your wetness

the tip teases it

trying to enter your tiny opening

our daughters are cumming sister


licks to the base of your vagina

hear their joyful cries

spreading you open to drive eager tongue into your channel



milk runs from their chin

lap it lap it up while i suckle them both



mom samples from your proud hard nipples

pulling your nourishment from your bosom

my sister love cumn cum with us

feeling contractions down low

radiating burnng tingling so intense




flooding your lips



mmmm is our daughters cumming with us as well sister

they have my love

their names hun

naughty darlings

Kristen and Megan

mmmm wonderful names for our daughterloves isn't it

smiles, very much so

and they are so much LOVING you!!!!!

i can say you are now a part of my erotic family hun welcome home


that is wonderful!

feeling so honored

all of us

and may i say i want you three to tell me anything your heart wishes to

we feel quite close and free with you

mmm me too sister me too my lovely daughterloves

we are all sisterloves in our heart and spirits

yes and we need each other

i need you three in my life


to have passion and love with

we will share all we have

i will lay my soul bare to you love

you are such a beautiful soul

and we shall rest in one another feminine arms

feels so totally comforting

and no wall nothing between us even as we sleep

and yes we need a bigger bed


we do indeed

queen doesnt make it

turn the girls room into guest rooms

and our room into our secret resting and loving space

that is lovly idea

sharing our love lingerie and everything we have


lying naked together away from the storms outside that would beset us

four souls four lives melted together into one love

that is such a nice family

so intimate don't you agree sister


the way it should be

hi my darling megan and kristen


they are smiling so much at you

they think you are wonderful

how are my daughterloves doing this afternoon

love your motherlove and my sister

smiling, they each had big O's from you !!

let them kiss each other let them cuddle each others young bodies

umthey so cute like that

cute sister they both are so beautiful and lovely making love together

delightful to see !

hearing their young cries of passion and love is intoxicating sister

they lick in all the places!

mmm and suckle and kiss as well

ohhyes naturally

krisrten and megan it would be my honour if you two would call me mother as well

they both nodding...that is so sweet of you Erica, they really like that

then it is settled you two are my spirit daughters

all are smiling so much, jumping and hugging

mmmm i love you both my dear sweethearts

they love you, Mother Erica

come here my daughters you may feed from my breast

they both are heavy and in need of my daughters nursing

ummmm they settle next to you as you lay back on couch, one on each side, holding your breast to their mouth

mmmm feel my milky flow run through your young supple bodies my daughters

they are suckling so eagerly!

stroking my daughters young hair and drawing them close to me

both hands on your breast, squeezing as they suckly

mmm my young ones is my milk sweet and nuorishing to my daughterloves

it is sweet and delicious like none other

feed then feed and get your fill of my milk

both suckling steadily, pulling on your nipples with their lips and teetch

be gentle my daughters they are so tender

they love it so much

mmm yesss

my hand slips over my slit as i watch, fingers rubbing along the swollen ridge of my hood

i need to put my arms around them and make love to my new daughters sister

they are feeling so close to you, pull them to you

mmm i feel their spirits


so do I along with yours

be one with your two mothers my young ones

omg they are ready to expload again

mmm then let me hear the cries of your shared passion

cry out with all your heart into the heavens

OMG they are raising their faces upward, moaning and yelping, calling to Erica!!!!!!!!!!!

let me see the smoke rise from your young suppleness

they are shaking and bent over trembling as they cant control the contractions gripping them

mmmm yesss sister let them feel my spirit in them and through them as i hear their young feminine moaning s and groaning s

my young womynloves

they want you so much Mother Erica

you have captured all our hearts

i do too

laying myself bare throw your arrow at me if loveing is so wrong i will bear the scars with honour

but it is so right!!

so wonderful and complete

i have hoped i would have a mother like you for them, it is my dream answered

don't let the sun go down on me until i feel our passionstance yet again


i feel so wonderful

only to touch a thread of my family's undergarments just one time

please just once

one little finger still

if you dont mind a wet panel......:)

only to take in the scent of your musk



intoxicating aromas

just one time oh please just one time i am begging you darlings

you may touch mine all you wish to


wanting to breathe you in

i douche and powder with berries and cream


how delightful

only the purest form will ever do

you know we would adore your natural musk!

i adorn my body my breast with lavender and mirth



truly a goddess

and my hair is washed with the milk of my breast



and my face is perfumed with te musk of my vulva

ummmmmmmmm yessssssssss

OMG thats it

my feet are washed with the tears and passion of my love

so beautiful my loving sister

and my arms are outstretched waiting for my family to come home to me

we will surround you, raining kisses on every part of you

mmm i will wait until there is no moonrise no sun in the skies no warm and comfort us and all the stars fall gracefully into the ground

you have no need to wait so long

you have won us totally

mmmm good then sister good



we want you

daughter megan

daughter kristen



and me

be my wife my love my dove my most perfect one



as I am free to do so

and we will stare into the shining sun

dont look too long my love, but we will frolick in the rays

and on the isles of our queen our goddess Sappho

Greek isles of Goddesses

in a land no serpents only the milky flow that is our river of life

butI am wondering if perhaps, you are not the ebodiment of Sappho?

she flows through my spirit and reaches me the ways of femininity and grace i need her help always


you have learned most completely

abd with her help i can tell our tales of passion



tri-les my love tri-les

and we will be creating our very own

tri-les now until the end of days

by all means!

well baby i need to fix me a spot of dinner brb

as do I

ill stay

ok im back

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